Management Committee

In 1953, the first parvalde (management committee) consisted of seven members: four members from padome (the Church Council) and three cottagers.

Sidrabene’s parvalde is entrusted by the Church Council to maintain the grounds and ensure that all the activities on the property are conducted correctly. Padome endorses the members of parvalde and selects one of the members to serve as the parvalde committee chairperson. Padome may select and authorise any other congregation member to serve on parvalde.

Sidrabene’s AGM is held early each year and a new parvalde is elected at that time. Sidrabene's members are elected for a one-year term and all cottagers are encouraged to serve at least one term on the parvalde. Members of padome can volunteer to serve on the Sidrabene’s parvalde.

2024 Committee

  • Gundars Briedis – Chair
  • Skai Leja-Vice chair/church rep.
  • Anita Laipnieks-Secretary
  • Micheal Wood-Treasurer
  • Arnis Kalnins-Church rep
  • Tobiass Kuplens-Ewart

To contact Sidrabene's Parvalde, please email

St. Andrew’s Ev. Luth. Latvian Church
200 Balmoral Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1J6
Tel. (416) 924-1563

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